Monday, August 24, 2009

The International Marlowe-Shakespeare Society

"Our Belief is that Christopher Marlowe – in his day England's greatest playwright – did not die in 1593 but survived to write most of what is now assumed to be the work of William Shakespeare. Our Plan is to present accurate information and well-reasoned argument related to this belief. Our Aim is to have this theory accepted by Shakespearian scholars and others as the only plausible alternative to the traditional 'Stratfordian’ position.”

Click here to visit the beautiful site of the new International Marlowe-Shakespeare Society.

Click here for the blog's home page and recent content.


JPbrighton said...

Very exciting news, Carlo!

Christine said...

Love the Society website. Congratulations everyone.

Unknown said...

The society has put together a very cool website--one-stop shopping for Marlovians!

Anonymous said...


Tony said...

v. cool, carlo. hopefully, this enables you to reach a broader audience.


Marlowe has as legitimate a claim to the authorship throne as Oxford. And as your society website states, of all the candidates Marlowe was the only one who could write Shakespearean. And if anyone thinks this spy, Marlowe, wasn't capable of escaping his persecutors, then we're being pretty naive. Last I checked, the FBS has NOT caught Whitey Bulger yet. I would figure Interpol has a very long list of people whom they never caught. And I could think of a few Nazis who escaped to South America never to be found again.

Anonymous said...

very nice websites (society, blog) with some very good information.