Sunday, January 18, 2009

Marlowe's arrest and escape: Mike Rubbo's John Baker interviews, circa 2000

Click here for video.

John Baker on Marlowe’s arrest, the horrific torture that likely awaited him, and the choice the playwright ultimately made. For further details on Baker's reference to Thomas Walsingham, see our 6/19/08 post on the Walsinghams.

Video outtake from Mike Rubbo's film Much Ado About Something. Courtesy of Mike Rubbo.

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Anonymous said...

This blog is enlightening. The truth to the Marlowe-Shakespeare connection glows throughout. Spread the word!

Anonymous said...

John Baker is legend. Where did his website go?

Anonymous said...

quite intriguing, baker is provocative

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, Mr. DiNota!

Anonymous said...

THESE INTERVIEWS ARE GREAT; where did Baker's wesbite go?